Statiflo Gas Dispersion Systems (GDS) are custom engineered and built to meet customer specific performance requirements.
The main components are:
• Main line mixer/contactor
• Sidestream equipment, including:
- Pre-disperser static mixer
- Gas eductor (if gas is at low pressure)
- Centrifugal pump, operating at constant flow
- Sample points, valves, instrumentation, interconnecting pipework and stand-by equipment, as required.
The sidestream gas/liquid dispersing equipment can be compactly side mounted directly on the contactor mixer or alternatively floor/skid mounted.
Typical applications for the Statiflo GDS include ozonation, aeration and carbonation
Key benefits include:
- High mass transfer efficiency
- Low capital cost
- Low pressure drop
- Gas bubbles generated independently of liquid velocity in contactor
- Low energy consumption
- High turndown capability
- Compact design
- No moving parts except for centrifugal pump
- Minimal maintenance requirement
- Simple to operate — no special training required